Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Country People

“Explain the role misunderstanding plays in the story.”

I think that misunderstanding plays a big role I the story. Hulga misunderstands him for being a nice person that she likes and thinks understands her. And he misunderstands her for being stupid and not giving a care. And Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Hopewell misunderstand him for being a nice well brought up young man. But in reality her is not, he is deceitful and a horrible person. Everyone in the story is naïve and I too quick to judge. They take their first impression of people and make that who they think they are. Even after what he did to Hulga Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Hopewell misunderstand him coming out of the forest for a good thing, by selling bibles. When he was really stealing Hulga’s leg. Hulga misunderstands that she could get him caught for what he has done to her and to everybody else, but she cant because he had changed his name and done everything to stop those kinds pf people from doing that.

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