Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Country People

“Explain the role misunderstanding plays in the story.”

I think that misunderstanding plays a big role I the story. Hulga misunderstands him for being a nice person that she likes and thinks understands her. And he misunderstands her for being stupid and not giving a care. And Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Hopewell misunderstand him for being a nice well brought up young man. But in reality her is not, he is deceitful and a horrible person. Everyone in the story is naïve and I too quick to judge. They take their first impression of people and make that who they think they are. Even after what he did to Hulga Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Hopewell misunderstand him coming out of the forest for a good thing, by selling bibles. When he was really stealing Hulga’s leg. Hulga misunderstands that she could get him caught for what he has done to her and to everybody else, but she cant because he had changed his name and done everything to stop those kinds pf people from doing that.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Lottery

#1 Well when you see lottery you automatically think of money and people wnning something. Something sort of happy in a way depending on who it is. But most of all you think of luck. You think of someone drawing a name out of a hat or something else and you getting up on stage and claiming your prize whatever that may be. But in this story it shows the whole village getting together and they are being very professional about it and making everything percise and it makes you think it is a big deal but a good big deal. It shows everything being happy and then you find out that the great prize they are drawing out of the hat is who is going to be stone. So it catches you totally off guard and is awful.

#8 I do not understand this question at all. Does not make sense to me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paul's Case

#2 Paul's behavior and appearance is different from the other boys because in class he would never pay attention and would always stare into space. He would also never do his homework and would disrupt the class. The teachers thought he was rude and disrespectful. He also dressed differently because he wore things like opal pins and flowers. And he was different because none of the other boys were like that and looked down upon him.

#3 Paul is a developing character because he is always changing and creating a new life. He changes by going to New York and then is broke and changes his life by moving away and realizning that was not the best place for him in that condition. He is never satisfied by what he has or his and his always changing his appearance or behavior.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hills Like White Elephants

#2 It shows that they used to date and he used to love her and still does. But she does not love him anymore. He wants to get back together with her and live the life they used to live. But she doesn’t want to and is unsure what she wants. We do not know what happened to their relationship just that it ended. He thinks that they can do anything and everything together and she doesn’t believe that.

#7 The setting shows what the characters used to have in their relationship and do not have anymore. And the when she calls them white elephants and he doesn’t see it, it is showing us that they are not compatible anymore and are quickly drifting apart. The train station I think that it is a sign of moving on. The train is leaving and is like their relationship it is leaving and slowing boarding passengers for departure.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


It is significant because it is showing different perspectives. It is also showing how hard it is to explain something to someone who has never seen it before. Because you would try to use other words to explain it but that person does not know what those words are either so there it is almost impossible. The different perspectives are that something that comes so easily to you may not come so easily ot another person. Like the blind man. It tells us that the character is understanding but is also confused and is sympathetic of the blind man and wants to help but is having trouble finding a way how.