Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Destructors

#1 Who is the protagonist in this story-Trevor, Blackie, or the gang? Who or what is the antagonist? Identify the conflicts of this story.

I think the protagonist is Trevor because the story is basically about him even though he might not be the hero he is subject. I would say the antagonist is Blackie because he always does not support Trevor and goes against his morals. One of the main conflicts of your story is the battle of leadership between Trevor and Blackie and then when Trevor wants to keep working and wont let them leave is another one and there are smaller conflicts that bring the story together.

#5 Of what significance, if any is the setting of this story in blitzed London? Does the story have anything to say about the consequences of war? About the causes of war?

Yes there were references to war in that the two house next to Old Misery were bombed in a war and was a huge piece of the story. Also it was set just after World War II .

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